University tour - vacation in Greifswald
  • Tel: +49 (0) 3834 85361380
  • Tel: +49 (0) 3834 85361380
University main building & Rubenow monument
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university leadership

Historical university building with student detention center & auditorium

Founded in 1456, the University of Greifswald is one of the oldest universities in Northern Europe. The historic university campus in the old town of Greifswald bears witness to the traditional history of the university and includes the late baroque main building, the auditorium maximum with the student prison, the old library and the observatory. A student dressed in the historical Pedellen robe provides insights into one of the most beautiful baroque ballrooms in the country and opens the doors to one of the last student prisons. Even today, the murals in the so-called student prison bear witness to the crimes committed by its inmates.

public guidance

The public tours start from April to October daily at 15:00 p.m. at the Rubenow Monument. You will be led through the auditorium and prison by a student dressed in a red robe. Pre-registration is not necessary, payment is made directly on site with the tour guide.

Duration: 45 Minutes
Persons: min. two
Price: €5,00 adults • €3,50 pupils & students

U1 University & City

This special tour combines the classic tour of the old town with a visit to the auditorium and prison on the historic university campus. A robed porter gives rare insights into the otherwise closed rooms and takes you to the highlights of the city.

Duration: 2 Std.
Persons: up to 20 per group
Price: €150,00 per group

U2 auditorium & prison

Discover the university's magnificent Baroque auditorium and former student prison. The frivolous and colorful murals in the prison still bear witness to the disciplinary violations committed by its inmates.

Duration: 1 Std.
Persons: up to 20 per group
Price: €59,00 per group • €47,00 pupils & students

U3 university history

This guided tour gives a comprehensive overview of the history of the second oldest university in Northern Europe - from its founding in 1456 to the present day. Among other things, you will visit the historic university campus and the Rubenow monument.

Duration: 1,5 Std.
Persons: up to 20 per group
Price: €79,00 per group • €63,00 pupils & students

*All prices include VAT.

Header photo: main university building © Marc Waschkau